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Why the LEGO® Serious Play® Method Works So Well

At the heart of the LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) method lies an innovative and robust process designed to enhance learning and creativity.  

This method is delivered by experienced facilitators who are able to follow a process that includes: Question, Build, Share, Reflect. 

In this article, we delve into the intricate workings of the LSP method, exploring its theoretical foundations and practical applications to illustrate why it stands out as a powerful tool for learning and development. 

We also explore why it’s important to undertake facilitation training to gain the basic knowledge and practical skills to be able to implement this science-backed process. 

The Foundation of the LEGO® Serious Play® Method is what makes it works so well


The concept of learning-by-making is integral to the LSP methodology.  

This approach, which involves creating tangible objects using LEGO bricks, was endorsed by LEGO Education and founded on the work of several prominent learning theorists.  

The foundations of this model draw from various educational theories: 

  • Brain-Based Learning by Geoffrey Caine and Renate Nummela Caine 
  • Constructivism by Jean Piaget 
  • Constructionism by Seymour Papert 
  • Flow Theory by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 

These theories collectively inform the learning-by-making model, emphasizing that active engagement and creation lead to deeper learning experiences. 

When you see the methodology in action, you have an appreciation of how so many different people use it in their own context: 

Learning & Development and HR Leaders, management consultants, educators and academics as well as project managers. They all use this amazing method for different purposes and have their own application ideas to suit the needs of their group. 

The principles of adult learning  

The learning-by-making model is structured around using a process that is dynamic, interactive, and deeply personal, fostering a more profound understanding and retention of knowledge. 

This innovative process highlights how adults engage with others in the room through storytelling and sharing.  

Whether you are facilitating a workshop with a Management team, a call centre, project team leaders or a group of innovators, you are providing them with a memorable and invaluable experience. 

The Core Process of LEGO® Serious Play®


The process begins with a question designed to provoke thought and encourage participants to explore new ideas. This question is crafted to be open-ended, ensuring that it stimulates creativity and critical thinking. 


Participants use LEGO® bricks to construct models that represent their thoughts, ideas, and solutions. This hands-on experience engages the brain in a unique way, facilitating a deeper understanding of the concepts being explored. 


Once the models are built, participants share their creations with the group. This sharing process fosters communication, collaboration, and mutual understanding, allowing participants to see different perspectives and insights. 


Finally, participants reflect on the entire process, considering what they have learned and how they can apply this new knowledge. Reflection is a crucial step that reinforces learning and encourages continuous growth. 

Why LEGO® Serious Play® Works so Well

The Power of Making 

The act of making something with one’s own hands is a powerful learning tool. Seymour Papert, a renowned learning theorist, famously stated,  

“What you learn in the process of making something that is truly yours tends to sink much deeper into the subsoil of your mind than what anyone can tell you.”  

This statement encapsulates the essence of the LSP method, highlighting the deep and lasting impact of learning-by-making. It’s a way of dealing with the real issues in a working environment or an academic setting. 

Encouraging Self-Awareness and Choice 

LEGO® Serious Play® also draws from the Gestalt paradoxical theory of change, which posits that true change comes from self-awareness.  

The intervener’s role is not to impose change but to help individuals or organizations become aware of their current state and freely choose to change if they find it necessary.  

This approach ensures that change is genuine and sustainable, as it originates from the learner’s own desires and insights. 

Leveraging the Power of Metaphor 

One of the unique aspects of the LSP method is its use of metaphor. Participants build models that represent their ideas and experiences, which can then be used as metaphors to explore complex concepts and issues. That’s why LEGO® Serious Play® works so well in encouraging participants to share their thoughts and opinions.

This approach helps to surface hidden insights and fosters a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. 

Facilitator Training and Development 

To effectively implement the LEGO® Serious Play® method, a skilled facilitator is essential.  

Facilitator training programs are designed to equip professionals with the necessary skills to guide sessions and ensure participants gain maximum benefit from the process.  

These training programs often include foundation training, hands-on experience, and real-time session plans that cover a wide range of applications, from organizational development to team building. 

Training providers like Serious Play Business offer comprehensive facilitator training that includes both self-paced online training and in-person live webinar sessions.  

These programs are crafted to ensure that facilitators are well-versed in the methodology and can effectively apply it in various contexts. 

The Role of Hands-On Experience in Training 

Hands-on experience is a critical component of any facilitator training program.  

It allows participants to practice and refine their skills in a controlled environment before applying them in real-time situations.  

This is why our advanced training provides additional hours of training to cover more than just the basic elements.  

Designing Effective Session Plans 

A well-designed session plan is crucial for the success of any LEGO® Serious Play® workshop. These plans should be tailored to the specific needs of the participants and the objectives of the session.  

They typically include a mix of activities that encourage creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.  

Serious Play Business includes templates and examples of road maps to help facilitators create effective session plans. 

Facilitating Online Meetings 

In today’s digital age, online meetings have become a common mode of communication.  

The LSP method can be adapted for use in online settings, allowing teams to engage in meaningful discussions and problem-solving activities regardless of their physical location.  

Skilled facilitators can guide these sessions, ensuring that participants remain engaged and that the objectives of the meeting are met. 

The Training Journey of a Skilled Facilitator 

Foundation Training 

The journey to becoming a skilled LSP facilitator begins with foundation training. This initial phase covers the basic principles and techniques of the LEGO® Serious Play® method, providing participants with a solid understanding of the core process, its applications and why it works so well.

Advanced Training Programs 

After completing foundation training, facilitators can enroll in advanced training programs that delve deeper into specific aspects of the LSP method. These programs often focus on specialized areas such as organizational development, team dynamics, and innovation. They provide facilitators with the knowledge and skills needed to address complex challenges and drive meaningful change within their organizations. 

Continuous Professional Development 

Continuous professional development is essential for facilitators to stay current with the latest developments in the LEGO® Serious Play® field. This includes attending free online workshops, participating in online forums, and engaging with other facilitators to share best practices and insights.  

Ongoing learning ensures that facilitators remain effective and can continue to deliver high-quality training events. 

Let’s get started NOW! 

Training providers like Serious Play Business offer comprehensive facilitator training programs that include , real-time session plans, and continuous professional development opportunities.  

These programs are designed to equip facilitators with the skills needed to effectively implement the LSP method and drive organizational development. 

By leveraging the power of metaphor, facilitating engaging in person and online meetings, the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method remains a leading methodology for enhancing creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in various contexts. 

For more details on how to enroll, email us at or click the button below: 

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