What is the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method?
The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method (LSP) is an innovative, experiential process designed to enhance creativity, strategic planning, and overall business performance.
Developed by the LEGO® Group in collaboration with leading experts in strategy and organizational behavior, LSP leverages the universal appeal and flexibility of 3D Models LEGO® bricks to transform abstract ideas into tangible, actionable insights.
This method engages participants in hands-on building activities that facilitate deep thinking, communication, and problem-solving all through the use of metaphorical models.
The method is used in all fields of business and is deployed by experienced facilitators, consultants, academics and Learning and Development professionals who themselves have undergone facilitator training to ensure that they implement the process for the purposes of organisational development.
Overall, the purpose is to create sustainable business outcomes!

The Essence of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Power
At its core, LSP is a facilitated meeting, communication, and problem-solving method in which participants use 3-dimensional models made from LEGO® bricks to build models that represent their ideas, thoughts, and reflections.
These models serve as a basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing, problem-solving, and decision-making to meet organisational challenges.
The process taps into the participants’ creative thinking, critical imagination and deep understanding, making it particularly effective for addressing complex challenges and generating innovative solutions.
This all combines to make the method an invaluable tool and asset in business.
The Workshop Process
The primary objective of any LSP workshop is to address complex challenges or seize compelling opportunities through a highly interactive and engaging process.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of how a typical LSP workshop using this powerful method unfolds when led by a qualified and incredible facilitator:
- Setting the Stage: The workshop begins with a warm-up exercise to introduce participants to the LEGO® bricks and the process of building models.
This helps participants to relax and start thinking creatively. It creates a sense of psychological safety.
- Building Models: The facilitator presents a challenge or question to the participants. Each participant builds a model using LEGO® bricks to represent their thoughts, ideas, or solutions to the challenge.
This hands-on building process encourages participants to externalize their thoughts and make abstract ideas concrete. It also brings out creative ideas in a very different way from conventional workshops.
- Sharing and Storytelling: Once the models are built, participants take turns sharing the stories behind their models. This storytelling phase is crucial as it allows participants to articulate their thoughts, share insights, and connect with others’ perspectives.
This is where dysfunctional teams find the method particularly helpful as they use it as a way to reach robust solutions that had previously eluded them.
- Reflection and Discussion: The facilitator leads a group discussion to reflect on the models and stories shared. This phase helps the group to identify common themes, gain new insights, and develop a shared understanding of the challenge.
It helps them to use their critical thinking skills to reach solutions.
- Integrating and Deciding: The workshop concludes with a session where the group integrates the insights gained and decides on actionable steps. The models and the discussions around them provide a solid foundation for developing innovative and effective solutions.

The Role of the Facilitator
The success of an LSP workshop heavily relies on the skills and expertise of the facilitator.
Certified LSP facilitators undergo rigorous training to design and conduct workshops effectively.
They are responsible for creating a safe and inclusive environment, guiding participants through the building and storytelling process, and ensuring that the discussions are productive and focused.
They ensure that the communication in meetings moves beyond the conventional meeting norms of one or two people who talk the most. The LSP process is based on 100% of the people talking 100% of the time.
Core Beliefs and Theoretical Foundations
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is grounded in the theory of constructionism, pioneered by Seymour Papert.
Constructionism posits that individuals learn best when they actively construct knowledge through hands-on, experiential activities.
In LSP, the act of building models with LEGO® bricks enables participants to externalize their thoughts, making abstract concepts tangible and discussable. It ensures that participants in a session have different dimensions of experience so that the actual workshops take on a positive energy.
The Flow State
LSP also draws on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of flow, a state of deep immersion and engagement in an activity.
The hands-on, playful nature of LSP facilitates a flow state, allowing participants to focus intensely, think creatively, and generate new ideas.
Hands-On, Minds-On Learning
Research shows that hands-on, minds-on learning produces deeper and more meaningful understanding.
By engaging both the hands and the mind, LSP helps participants to think more creatively, communicate more effectively, and collaborate more productively.
This approach to learning aligns with the principles of experiential learning, where active involvement in the learning process leads to better retention and application of knowledge.

Accessing Unconscious Knowledge
One unique power of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is its ability to access and articulate unconscious knowledge.
By using LEGO® bricks to build models, participants can tap into different intelligences—visual-spatial, linguistic, and bodily-kinesthetic—uncovering insights that might otherwise remain hidden.
This process of externalizing thoughts through physical models helps participants to surface and discuss ideas that are often difficult to express verbally.
Fostering Deep and Sustainable Results
The combination of social, cognitive, and emotional dimensions in LSP workshops ensures that the outcomes are profound and enduring.
Participants often report significant, lasting changes in how they approach problem-solving and collaboration. The physical act of building models anchors learning in long-term memory, making the experience memorable and impactful.
Navigating Complex Adaptive Systems
LSP is particularly effective in revealing and navigating complex adaptive systems. These systems, characterized by their dynamic and interdependent nature, benefit from the hands-on exploration facilitated by LSP.
By constructing physical representations of these systems, teams gain a clearer understanding of the landscape in which they operate, enabling them to develop strategies that are both innovative and practical.

Applications – The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Power
Strategic Planning and Development
LSP is widely used in strategic planning and development, helping organizations to align their vision, mission, and strategic goals. By engaging stakeholders in the process of building and discussing models, organizations can develop strategies that are deeply rooted in the collective insights and creativity of their teams.
Team Building and Collaboration
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® fosters stronger team dynamics and collaboration by providing a safe and inclusive environment for sharing ideas and perspectives. The hands-on, playful nature of the process helps to break down barriers, build trust, and enhance communication within teams.
Problem Solving and Innovation
LSP is an effective tool for addressing complex problems and generating innovative solutions. By externalizing thoughts and exploring different perspectives, participants can uncover new insights and develop creative approaches to challenges.

The Early History of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
The Genesis of LSP
The journey of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® began in the late 1990s, driven by Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, then CEO of the LEGO® Group.
Frustrated with the lack of imagination in traditional strategy methods, Kristiansen sought a new approach that would harness the creative potential of his employees.
He collaborated with Professors Johan Roos and Bart Victor, who were exploring innovative forms of strategizing. Their shared vision led to the creation of Executive Discovery, a spin-off company dedicated to developing LSP.
Evolution and Expansion
Since its inception, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® has been embraced by a diverse range of organizations for various applications, including strategy development, team building, and organizational change.
Despite changes in LEGO®’s focus, the LSP community has continued to grow, with facilitators worldwide leveraging the method to drive meaningful change in their organizations.
Case Studies: Success Stories with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
Case Study 1: Strategic Realignment in a Tech Company
A leading tech company faced the challenge of aligning its rapidly growing team with its evolving strategic goals.
An LSP workshop brought together key stakeholders to build and discuss models representing their vision for the company’s future. The process revealed misalignments and uncovered new opportunities for growth.
The insights gained from the workshop helped the company to realign its strategy and foster a stronger, more cohesive team.
Case Study 2: Enhancing Collaboration in a Multinational Corporation
A multinational corporation sought to improve collaboration across its global teams. Through a series of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops, employees from different regions built models to represent their unique challenges and perspectives.
The process facilitated open communication, mutual understanding, and the development of collaborative solutions. As a result, the corporation experienced improved teamwork and increased innovation.
Case Study 3: Innovative Problem-Solving in a Healthcare Organization
A healthcare organization used LSP to address a complex issue related to patient care. Participants built models to represent their ideas for improving patient outcomes and shared their stories.
The collaborative discussions led to the identification of innovative solutions that were implemented to enhance patient care and streamline operations.

Final thoughts
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® stands as a testament to the power of creativity and hands-on learning in addressing complex organizational challenges.
By combining constructionism, flow, and the unique properties of LEGO® bricks, LSP enables teams to unlock their full potential and develop innovative, actionable solutions.
As we continue to navigate an ever-changing world, the principles and practices of LSP offer a dynamic and effective approach to strategic planning and problem-solving.
For further information on the methodology and to explore training opportunities, please visit Serious Play Business.
Want to be trained?
Serious Play Business offers certification options so that you are able to apply the method in your own context.
Our certification training is available as an online self-paced program with 2 options. Choose between foundational training or advanced training which includes 2 x 2 hour webinar sessions delivered live.
What’s more we have pay in instalments available to help with your budget.