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What do our clients say?

“I think the program of Play4Business is really great, because it allowed me to follow materials with my own pace, return to things multiple times once I started to plan my sessions and provided really useful and practical resources, including valuable session roadmaps. The recorded Q&A sessions, as well as the live Q&A session that are part of the program are also valuable ways to learn more about specific session planning and delivering aspects. I’m looking forward to upgrading my certification in the coming months and bringing my LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® game to the next level!”

HR Manager


Kornelia Pavlola

“I wanted to learn about the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method so that I could have an innovative way to teach leadership, communication, and problem solving skills to students at my university. We didn’t have the budget to do an in-person training, so it was critical for me to find an online program that was well-grounded in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® theory and had a great reputation. Play4Business satisfied all those parameters!”

Executive Director of Career Services, West Virginia State University


Travis Kahle

“I have been a long-time fan of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology and have often wanted to undergo training to learn more! Thanks to Play4Business for setting up this flexible and comprehensive opportunity. Being an educator and lifelong learner, the self-paced, online environment was perfect for me. It allowed me to access the materials, videos, and activities when I had time in my day. I was also so excited to find that the materials are available to me online within the course for 12 months! The course designers and leaders should be very pleased with the development and implementation of the course to meet anyone’s learning styles! Thank you Play4Business!”

MYP Coordinator & MS Curriculum Coach


Jason Reagin

“During a external event I saw a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® trainer using Lego for much more then what I did and I was really curious and started looking for a training. I come across the website of Play4Business and saw a Online training for LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator.

It was a very good training, clear about al the steps you need to take and also very clear about why you need to do it like that.

Very nice movies where you see the practice of these way of working with LEGO®. It was very easy to understand and to follow. I am very happy that I did this training and I will use LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® much more now.”

Consultant, Coach


Debby Eekman

” I loved participating in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology facilitation workshop. It opened my eyes to what’s possible to achieve with Lego bricks, allowed me to get to know my colleagues, gave me an opportunity to tap into my inner child, provided me with a creative experience and, most importantly, it gave me a valuable new skill and tool I can use in the future.”

Communications Specialist


Marketa Stastna

“LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator training from Play4Business provided the perfect combination of depth and flexibility. As a professor of innovation, I appreciate the ability to bring a new set of innovative tools to my work with students and industry clients. I highly recommend this opportunity!”

Executive Director of the da Vinci Center Virginia Commonwealth University


Garret Westlake

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